Be Well

Practices for mental health and well being.

Brooke Anderson, Greater Good Magazine, March 24, 2020

Front photo credit Yousef Espanioly, Unsplash

Six Daily Questions

Shared in an insightful and helpful article on Greater Good Magazine, Brooke Anderson wrote: “The physical isolation and sudden departure from familiar routines can be jarring and disorienting. Settling in for the possibility of an extended shelter-in-place order, I wrote these six “Daily Quarantine Questions” to help me structure my days—and check in with myself, to make sure I’m doing OK.”

These kinds of self reminders are always helpful to connect us to the things we’re trying to remember and practices we’re developing.

Click the image to read the article on Greater Good Magazine.

In uncertain times, the challenge is to choose how we spend our time, what we think about, and how we manage our emotions.

Mental health in the time of Coronavirus and COVID-19

These are unprecedented times. Most of us have never experienced anything like this, to this scale, and for this length of time. And it is a great privilege to write that and know that reality. Let us remember it too. :)

When there are countless unknowns, endless information but none of the answers we need, and the reports are constantly changing, it is natural to have lots of feelings or to feel numb, to want to check out and disconnect or to obsess about staying informed and constantly reading the news, as well as everything in between. What’s also normal is wanting to distract yourself from reality and emotions (yours and others).

In uncertain times, the challenge is to choose how we spend our time, what we think about, and how we manage our emotions. To stay with ourselves and our experience even when it’s uncomfortable.

Here are some resources to help you stay grounded, live through the emotions and these difficult times, and maybe learn something about yourself in the process.

Take care and be well.