
Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now.
— Fr. Richard Hendrick, OFM


And maybe this is how we learn the value of kindness. 

When the whole world is like a small child with a fever, 

trying her very best to make herself feel better. 


Maybe we find our unity in the near-losing of everything. 

Where we have no choice but to depend upon each other. 

This is what it takes to realize we are in this together. 


A man helps someone he dislikes because they are in danger. 

A neighbor delivers groceries to everyone ill on her street.

Old friends forgive each other, stop acting like they are strangers. 


Maybe this time, the revolution arrives dressed as kindness.

People helping each other despite their differences.

Understanding truly, that without the aid of others,  

we would be all alone in this. 

  • Nikita Gill


Yes there is fear.

Yes there is isolation.

Yes there is panic buying.

Yes there is sickness.

Yes there is even death.



They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise

You can hear the birds again.


They say that after just a few weeks of quiet

The sky is no longer thick with fumes

But blue and grey and clear.


They say that in the streets of Assisi

People are singing to each other

across the empty squares,

keeping their windows open

so that those who are alone

may hear the sounds of family around them.


They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland

Is offering free meals and delivery to the housebound.


Today a young woman I know

is busy spreading fliers with her number

through the neighbourhood

So that the elders may have someone to call on.


Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples

are preparing to welcome

and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary


All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting

All over the world people are looking at their neighbours in a new way

All over the world, people are waking up to a new reality

To how big we really are.

To how little control we really have.

To what really matters.

To Love.


So we pray and we remember that

Yes there is fear.

But there does not have to be hate.

Yes there is isolation.

But there does not have to be loneliness.

Yes there is panic buying.

But there does not have to be meanness.

Yes there is sickness.

But there does not have to be disease of the soul

Yes there is even death.

But there can always be a rebirth of love.


Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now.


Today, breathe.


Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic

The birds are singing again

The sky is clearing,

Spring is coming,

And we are always encompassed by Love.


Open the windows of your soul

And though you may not be able

to touch across the empty square,



  • Fr. Richard Hendrick, OFM


What if you thought of it

as the Jews consider the Sabbath—

the most sacred of times?

Cease from travel.

Cease from buying and selling.

Give up, just for now, 

on trying to make the world

different than it is. 

Sing. Pray. Touch only those

to whom you commit your life.

Center down.

And when your body has become still,

reach out with your heart.

Know that we are connected

in ways that are terrifying and beautiful.

(You could hardly deny it now.)

Know that our lives

are in one another’s hands.

(Surely, that has come clear.)

Do not reach out your hands.

Reach out your heart.

Reach out your words.

Reach out all the tendrils

of compassion that move, invisibly,

where we cannot touch.

Promise this world your love--

for better or for worse,

in sickness and in health,

so long as we all shall live.

  • Lynn Ungar 3/11/20


Take care and be well.


Front photo credit Tereza Maik, Unsplash